Just a quick question: What is this absurd notion that we should wish President Obama success and not failure?
He has told us what he intends to accomplish. Given that his ideas are diametrically opposed to practically everything I believe in, why am I obliged to bid him godspeed?
If a man comes swaggering into your home pledging murder and mayhem, you don't wish him success, you work to bring about frustration of his goals.
It is, in my mind, more disavowing of absolutes. I.E., so, he wants something different than you want. Are you suggesting that what you want for the country is right and he is wrong? How dare you!
If he were to discover the truth, and about face on almost everything he proposes, I would wish him all the success in the world.
But given his current stated objectives, you had better believe I hope he fails!
Man up, GOP. Gridlock is the only thing that can save us now.
"Dear friend," a letter to Mothers in waiting...
8 years ago
Preach it brother!
All values aside, 'gridlock' is the last thing anyone can afford right now. We're gridlocked in war, gridlocked in economic quicksand, and something must be done. You're not actually proposing that no change be made, that Republicans should strive to preserve the status quo? If Obama is taking us in the wrong direction--which he may be--what do you make of the direction of the last eight years? You mentioned the impossibility of objectivity, and you support that notion here. I, for one, hope for an evaporation of partisan vitriol. It's in the best interest of this country. So many have cited, over the years, that Clinton handed over a slowing economy to GW. What has Obama inherited, and what is he to do with it?
I don't believe you can place all values aside.
I disagree, strongly, with every thing that I have heard coming out of the President's mouth, with the possible exceptions of the conjunctions "and", "the", etc.
I can quite conscientiously hope he fails miserably in his current objectives, such as, but not limited to the following, pork, pork, and more pork, abortion on demand, a sea change in the war on terror (which has apparently been successful, judging from the last seven years,) and socialistic redistribution policies, to name but a few.
Partisan vitriol may only be the lesser of 2 evils, but it is far, far less evil than what Obama has planned.
Good to hear from you, Blake.
And as to your question that I ignored, what Obama can do with the economy is pretty much the reverse of what he has planned, which , again, is why I hope he fails, (provided he stays his current course) and the country wins.
Again, why would I wish someone success in his venture when I strongly disapprove of everything he's about?
correction: "the" not a conjunction,
But, however, you get "the" (adj.) idea.
This is a good way to run your comment count up, though. It's like voting for yourself.
ok i'm done
"ok i'm done"
Why stop now? :)
It ain't over 'til "somebody" sings!
I suppose that when weighing certain issues, other than abortion, which belongs in the moral arena, that it is advantageous to examine the facts as they stand on their own. I would never demand anyone eschew their values altogether. This is the beginning of a debate that could go on ad infinitum, and I'm not sure much would be gained. Fact is, I enjoy your blog, especially when it is provocative.
-Blake, sending the comments into the double digits
And I believe that's a record.
Thanks all.
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