Saturday, July 14, 2007

. . .and Jacob have they hated, continued.

Benjamin Netanyahu is a treasure trove of background information regarding the Arab-Israeli conflict. He makes no pretense of objectivity and he points out that the term "Zionist" once had a positive connotation.
It is now spoken with the same derisive judgemental ism as the "neo-con" label and also has some additional connections.
Neo-cons, (neo-conservatives) are johnny-come-latelys, according to the context. They are ex-liberals who had the unmitigated gall to change their minds. Or, according to the father of neo-conservatism, Irving Kristol, neo-cons are "liberals mugged by reality." Either way, the sneer is that the change of heart was gratuitously motivated, and had nothing to do with a desire for truth. It is also interesting to note that application of the label, "neo-con" more often than not refers to Jewish ex-liberals, and once again we see anti-Semitism haunting the halls of liberal dogma.
Tracking the Jew-hating phenomenon elsewhere follows the liberal Democratic global peace aspirations straight up the glass doors of the United Nations, which has its own record of anti-Semitism. It has a history of reducing the fever-pitched anarchy in the Middle East to one cause, the Arab-Israeli conflict, and is solidly on the side of the "Palestinian refugees" against the imperialism of the vast expansionist Israeli empire. "Peace, not apartheid," after all.
The fact is that if you took the Jews out of the picture, the Arabs would only fill the void of peace with vicious infighting, as they have done again and again. Their history of nomadic violence is blamed on the time-honored clan structure of the Arab world. Clan loyalty supersedes national or racial loyalty and is supposedly the justification for their blood lust. Heaven forbid we view them simply as power-hungry racist thugs.
An American, an Englishman, and an Israeli were captured by cannibals and placed in a giant pot to be boiled alive. They were, of course, given a last request. The American asked for a steak, which he was given. The Englishman, in keeping with stereotypes, asked for a shot of whiskey and a smoke, and was obliged. The Israeli then asked for the chief to give him a good swift kick in the pants. The chief initially balked at the strange request, but finally reluctantly complied. Whereupon, the Israeli drew a pistol and shot every last one of the cannibals dead.
The American and the Englishman looked first at each other and then at the Israeli in complete disbelief. After a stunned silence, the Englishman asked incredulously, "Look here, chap, did you have that gun all along, or did you just conjure it up out of thin air?"
"Oh, I had it all along." replied the Israeli.
"Then why in blazes didn't you use it a long time ago?" growled the American.
"What," said the Israeli, "-and have the UN brand me an aggressor?"
With some liberties taken, this joke was included in a letter written from the front lines in the days preceding the Six Day War by Benjamin Netanyahu's brother Jonathan to his family back home, as a way of explaining why Israel stayed their hand in the face of massive troop buildups along the Syrian, Jordanian and Egyptian borders. Only after Egypt committed an act of war by closing the Straits of Tiran, a strategic life flow for Israel, did Israel respond, and then only to Egypt. They continued to wait for Syria and Jordan to join in, and then proceeded to overwhelm it's enemies with the total efficiency that characterizes most of the tiny country's combat operations.
The U.N., true to form, proceeded with a series of resolutions chiding the Israelis for their aggression against the poor, defenseless Arab coalition.
The media seems to have almost ordered an all-out blackout on the connection between modern-day Palestinian "freedom fighters" and Nazi ideology, but the Arabs make no effort to hide their open admiration for Hitler's solution to the "Jewish problem," which means that perhaps those referring to Iranian President Ahmadenijad as "an Arab Hitler" may be exercising more than exaggeration. The connections between Nazism and Arab anti-Jewish terror are many and well-documented. Haj Amin al-Husseini, the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, and Yasser Arafat's inspiration and mentor was a close friend of Adolf Eichmann and Heinrich Himmler. He advised them on their campaign to rid Europe of Jewry, and even visited Auschwitz accompanied by Eichmann. Following World War II, Arab nations welcomed escaping SS officers into their governments. Many Palestinian leaders even adopted Hitlerian nicknames, such as Abu Hitler, a senior commander in Arafat's personal escort.
In the 70's, members of the German Neo-Nazi faction "Adolf Hitler Free Corps" were trained by the PLO to wage terror, and members of the same group collaborated with Black September, the terror arm of Arafat's Fatah, in the assassination of Jewish Olympic athletes in Munich.
If it appears to you that I am saying that there is an anti-Semite behind every bush, that is not precisely what I am saying. I am saying that if there is no anti-Semite behind any given bush, it is because they are hiding in the bush. Hyperbole notwithstanding, the hatred for God's chosen people grows not only in Palestinian or German soil. Like a dandelion plucked by Satan and blown into the wind, the unreasoning prejudice these people inspire has been carried to the four corners of the earth and springs up through the baked desert soil of the Sudan, flourishes in the frozen tundra of Russia, and juts up through cracks in the concrete jungles of North America.
More later. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the insight.My prayer is that Israel will recognize Jesus as Lord and let Him fight their battles for them.